DEE DEE RAMONE RAPS! This album is much shorter, but is it any better? Can Dee Dee rap? Can Dee Dee rap better than he sings? Can Debbie Harry rap better than Dee Dee? Is there a dress code in The Ramones? Do you need to know the name of the band you are joining? Who is playing on this record and why aren't they credited? How much hip-hop has Dee Dee actually listened to? Just how out of time and out of touch is this album? How can you brag about being afraid to wrestle? Were there any warning signs that Dee Dee's relationship was in trouble? How hard is it to make music that it feels really easy to make? And most importantly, did Dee Dee meet a mermaid? Take a deep dive into some shallow waters on this episode of Detours and Outliers.
STEVE SINGS THE STANDARDS! No longer will the rest of The Steve Miller Band be holding Steve Miller back on his first and only...
FLEETWOOD REPLACES STEVIE AND LINDSEY! Heather and Kelly from Ground Above Zero to discuss Mac’s mid-90’s misfire “Time.” If they wanted to record a...
THE VELVET UNDERGROUND BECOME PEDESTRIAN! How could this happen? Thereminist Victoria Lundy ( joins the panel to ask the pertinent questions: Who is Doug...