GARTH BROOKS GOES ROCK! Friend of the pod, Bonnie Finley, joins us for that one album we knew we were going to have to do eventually. Is this more like Jim Carrey playing Andy Kaufman, or Andy Kaufman playing Tony Clifton? Is this what people in Nashville think rock sounds like? What lessons did a young Garth Brooks learn from Kiss? Which Indiana Jones movie is really the worst? Who is a better rapper, Billy Joel or Garth Brooks? What kind of car accident would rearrange your face from that of a Brad Pitt stand-in to that of a middle age Garth? What kinds of drugs inspired this album? And most importantly: Is Garth Brooks really Lil Nas X? Hop in the saddle and rope the wind with us this week on Detours and Outliers.
NEZ GOES INSTRUMENTAL! We kick off “All Instrumental April” with special guest Rebecca Davila discussing the wooly-hatted Monkee’s solo debut. Was this intended to...
OMD GETS EXPERIMENTAL! Local music historian, Tom Murphy, joins us to discuss the album that nearly killed OMD’s career. How can you lose 90%...
DEE DEE RAMONE RAPS! This album is much shorter, but is it any better? Can Dee Dee rap? Can Dee Dee rap better than...