WEEN GOES COUNTRY! Bassist and real estate agent, Matt Sumner, joins the team as they tackle the big questions: If an album called “12 Golden Country Greats” only has ten tracks, can you sue for false advertising? How literal is Dean's brain mucus? Can your band become a jam band even if you don't want it to be? Who is this album for? Ween fans? Country fans? Nobody? Find out now on the latest episode of Detours and Outliers.
Want to listen for yourself? You can check it out here: Amazon
ZAPPA DOES DOO-WOP! In our inaugural episode, the team tackles 1968’s “Cruising with Ruben & the Jets”. Can Frank tamp down his more eccentric...
DANZIG GOES CLASSICAL! Don White (Ice Troll, Never Kenezzard) rejoins us as we discuss Glenn Danzig’s instrumental album. What kind of dungeons do they...
THE MONKEES PLAY THEIR OWN INSTRUMENTS! So we brought in someone else who can play their own instrument: thereminist Victoria Lundy. How did this...