DEVO DOES DISNEY! Richard and Bonnie from the band Bolonium help us answer the pertinent questions surrounding this album. Questions like: What was Disney thing? And… that’s about it. What was Disney thinking? Really?!? Did they just pick Devo’s name out of a hat at random? Did they really think this would work? Why hadn’t anyone bothered to look at Devo’s lyrics before green-lighting this project? Is there any band that would be worse for this Disney-fied treatment? Will there ever be a 3.0 version of Devo? Was Devo trying to rush this out before Disney realized their mistake? Q: Are we not kids? A: We are Dev2.0. Really, what were the executives at Disney thinking???
SINEAD GOES REGGAE! We’ve got island fever this week on "Detours and Outliers", but which island is it, Jamaica or Ireland? Where does Sinead...
DANZIG GOES CLASSICAL! Don White (Ice Troll, Never Kenezzard) rejoins us as we discuss Glenn Danzig’s instrumental album. What kind of dungeons do they...
CHRIS CORNELL GOES POP! Production designer, fabricator, and saxophonist Aaron Schilling joins us to discuss Chris Cornell's attempt to remain relevant in a post-grunge...