Andrew W.K.'s “55 Cadillac” (with Rachel Caudill)

April 30, 2019 01:23:33
Andrew W.K.'s “55 Cadillac” (with Rachel Caudill)
Detours and Outliers
Andrew W.K.'s “55 Cadillac” (with Rachel Caudill)

Apr 30 2019 | 01:23:33


Show Notes

ANDREW W.K. GOES INSTRUMENTAL! “All Instrumental April” concludes with special guest host Rachel Caudill (jewelry designer, Resistance Is Tactile). Who is Andrew W.K.? Is Andrew W.K. real? What is real? What is the existential nature of partying? Why would a self-proclaimed Party God put out an album of spontaneous solo piano improvisations? How many people are behind Andrew W.K. persona? How many personas are inside Andrew W.K.'s mind? Why would an exceptionally sweaty man choose to only wear white? Is aimless piano noodling the sound of freedom? Is PCP a party drug? The answer to the last one is no. Find out the rest on this week's episode of Detours and Outliers.

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